Getting education is an important thing in life. Education is something that as the older folks said can't be taken away from you. To have education in the working world shows that you are not a quitter and that you have accomplished somethng that took hard work and discipline. I mean you can not have an education and still live a normal life, but it's going to be harder because it will be a little harder to find a job. Do you think hat the manager of any store would hire a person without a diploma over a person with one? I don't think so. I think because they want a person who has some education to represent their store properly in speech and action. They want someone who knows how to read, write, count and be responsible, a leader and everything else that comes along with being educated. They don't want someone who is going to quit on them, like they did high school.
I come to school everyday just so that I can learn new things and become more educated. I come here so that when it's time form me to graduate I can do something with my life and become a successful person. I wouldn't say I am the angel of the school. I do get in trouble sometimes, but I am not a bad person. I make pretty good grades and I rarely fail a class. I always work hard to make sure everything I do is completed. I plan on going to the Army after I graduate because I feel that it will help me be a better person, and help me achieve. It will get me into college and possibly continue my football career. It will help me grow and it will give me the chance to help others in need and serve my country.
I think a lot of people in the world don't realize how important it is to have an education. I see students everyday that just sit in class and do nothing. The act like they don't want to learn, they don't care, and sooner or later they end up dropping out of school. That's the worse decision a person cna make in their life. I am going to use my little sister as an example. My sister is 17 and she got kicked out of school in the eighth grade. She can't go back to school ever in Tift county again, therefore she's just sitting home doing nothing. She probably won't go to school till I graduate and my mom finds a new place to live. I 'll also be the first in my family to graduate because my mom and oldest sister quit and my little brother and sister got kicked out and can't go back.
That's why finishing school is so important to me and it's reallybig acheivement that I am proud of.
In conclusion, I think it's a great idea for everyone to finish school so they can be successful in life. Not many people have the right to say the graduated, do you want to be one of them?
Written by Tommy Johnson, 12th grade, senior Tift County High School.