The history of money, banks, and the great rip off of America by banks "to big to fail".
Belief that with a new way of thinking that Americans rich and poor can have a more abundant life and have a greater positive impact on this world.
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Monday, April 4, 2011
Mediocrity and Sub-Par work
Avoid settling for mediocore or sub-par work what you are willing to accept, that becomes your true standards means, that whatever you settle for, will always be what you get in the end. If people see that that you will settle less, thats what they will give you. No matter what they think you really deserve, if they see you except less they will surely give it to you. So sometimes try to exceed goals and standards every chance you get. Try to put your best foot forward, try your hardest and give your all. Amend your expectations, if you are used to getting less, show people that you want more. If you refuse to not settle for mediocore or sub-par work, you will always get the left overs. Sometimes when you think you are doing enough, you forget what you really can do. When you actually apply yourself you are shocked at what you really can do. Always do the best you can do and you wll always have great results.!!
By:Jamia Bateman Tift County High School class of 2012
By:Jamia Bateman Tift County High School class of 2012
Friday, April 1, 2011
Taking th3 Initiativ3
Wh3n you do som3thing without b3ing told and without 3xpectation of pay God giv3s you compoound int3r3st on top of compound int3r3st.
Wh3n you do not have any 3x3p3ctaions you r3ci3v3 a bl3ssing and good things happ3n to thos3 that do. Doing things without b3ing told does not m3an things happ3n 3asi3r and b3tt3r in your hands. B3ing told to do som3thing m3ans som3on3 f33ls l3ss about th3mselv3s and that th3y don't car3 about things or th3ms3lv3s. Wh3n you do not b3 kind to oth3rs and th3y ar3 kind to you, Th3y ar3 going to g3tthi3g bl3sing and you ar3 not.
Good Things com3 to thos3 that wait. Doing things from the kindn3ss of your h3art m3ans a b3tt3r p3rson. It shouldn't b3 about pay 3v3rytim3 you do som3thing for som3on3. Doing things from th3 h3art mak3s oth3rs f33l good bout you. P3opl3 count th3ir bl3ssings by b3ing kind and not by b3ing told to do som3thing wh3n you alr3ady know it's th3r3 to do. You should just go and do it without b3ing told at anytim3. You can count you bl3ssing, wh3n you do som3thing without b3ing told at any giv3n tim3 and without any 3xp3ctation of pay.
Written by Shannika Dawson Class of 2013 Tift County High School
Wh3n you do not have any 3x3p3ctaions you r3ci3v3 a bl3ssing and good things happ3n to thos3 that do. Doing things without b3ing told does not m3an things happ3n 3asi3r and b3tt3r in your hands. B3ing told to do som3thing m3ans som3on3 f33ls l3ss about th3mselv3s and that th3y don't car3 about things or th3ms3lv3s. Wh3n you do not b3 kind to oth3rs and th3y ar3 kind to you, Th3y ar3 going to g3tthi3g bl3sing and you ar3 not.
Good Things com3 to thos3 that wait. Doing things from the kindn3ss of your h3art m3ans a b3tt3r p3rson. It shouldn't b3 about pay 3v3rytim3 you do som3thing for som3on3. Doing things from th3 h3art mak3s oth3rs f33l good bout you. P3opl3 count th3ir bl3ssings by b3ing kind and not by b3ing told to do som3thing wh3n you alr3ady know it's th3r3 to do. You should just go and do it without b3ing told at anytim3. You can count you bl3ssing, wh3n you do som3thing without b3ing told at any giv3n tim3 and without any 3xp3ctation of pay.
Written by Shannika Dawson Class of 2013 Tift County High School
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