(jēn'yəs) Pronunciation Key n. pl. gen·ius·es
Extraordinary intellectual and creative power.
- A person of extraordinary intellect and talent: "One is not born a genius, one becomes a genius" (Simone de Beauvoir).
- A person who has an exceptionally high intelligence quotient, typically above 140.
- A strong natural talent, aptitude, or inclination: has a genius for choosing the right words.
- One who has such a talent or inclination: a genius at diplomacy.
- A strong natural talent, aptitude, or inclination: has a genius for choosing the right words.
- One who has such a talent or inclination: a genius at diplomacy.
- The prevailing spirit or distinctive character, as of a place, a person, or an era: the genius of Elizabethan England.
- pl. ge·ni·i (jē'nē-ī') Roman Mythology A tutelary deity or guardian spirit of a person or place.
- A person who has great influence over another.
- A jinni in Muslim mythology.
A person who uses his creative imagination much more than others. Remember to hydrate your brain for sharper electrial impulses.
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