Obama, Tiger, Golf and Politics
Published: August 23, 2011 New York Times
Despite the carping by critics, I’m glad the president went on vacation because one of the most useful things he could do right now is play golf — a lot of golf — but not that friendly foursome thing with his aides that he usually does. No, real golf: Match play, head to head, with real money on the line. Match-play golf is a great teacher. As any good golfer will tell you, the first rule of match play is this: Never play not to lose. Do not wait and hope for your opponent to make a mistake. Always play the course, always play to win and always assume your opponent will do well — will make that long putt — so you have to do better.
For months now, Obama has been playing not to lose, keeping his own plans for a “Grand Bargain” on debt, deficits, taxes, jobs and investment vague, while waiting for the Republicans to say crazier and crazier stuff — like promising the return of $2-a-gallon gasoline, or insisting that climate change was made up by scientists to get research grants (but politicians taking millions from oil companies can be trusted to tell us the truth on this issue), or that Texas has a right to secede. But while the G.O.P. candidates have been obliging the president with their nuttiness, it has not helped Obama’s poll ratings.
Many Americans can see that most of these G.O.P. candidates are closer to professional wrestlers than politicians — with their fake body slams and anti-Obama bluster. All they are missing are the Tarzan outfits. This is the silly season. But I would not assume that Republicans won’t come up with more serious candidates when it counts, or that some of these candidates won’t move to the center. I would definitely assume that they’ll do better.
That’s why the last few months have been so worrying to Obama supporters. Obama surprised everyone by broaching the idea during the debt negotiations of a “Grand Bargain” — roughly $3 trillion in spending cuts over the next decade and $1 trillion in tax increases — as a signal to the markets that we’re getting our fiscal house in order. It was absolutely the right idea — as long as it is coupled with investments in infrastructure, education and research — but House Speaker John Boehner could not deliver his Tea Party-led G.O.P. caucus.
Yet rather than flesh out his Grand Bargain in detail and take it on the road — and let every American everywhere understand and hear every day that he had a plan but the Republicans wouldn’t rise to it — Obama dropped it. Did he ever try to explain the specifics of his Grand Bargain and why it was the only way to go? No.
This left his allies wondering whether he was committed to it — and really did have his own party on board for it. And it left his opponents thrilled and setting the agenda themselves. It is why Obama’s recent bus tour fell flat. People don’t want to cheer just the man anymore. They want to cheer the man and his plan — a real plan, not just generalities and tactics to get him re-elected with 50.0001 percent and no real mandate to do what’s needed to fix the country now.
Without his own Grand Bargain on the table — imprinted on the mind of every American — Obama has been left playing defense, playing to get the least-bad deal, or playing not to lose. That’s what’s producing all the “What happened to Obama?” talk and its silly variants. (He’s a loser; he’s not very bright; he’s Jimmy Carter.)
It’s all nonsense. Obama is smart, decent and tough, with exactly the right instincts about where the country needs to go. He has accomplished a lot more than he’s gotten credit for — with an opposition dedicated to making him fail. But lately he is seriously off his game. He’s not Jimmy Carter. He’s Tiger Woods — a natural who’s lost his swing. He has so many different swing thoughts in his head, so many people whispering in his ear about what the polls say and how he needs to position himself to get re-elected, that he has lost all his natural instincts for the game. He needs to get back to basics.
It’s crazy what’s happening in America today: We’re having an economic crisis and the politicians are having an election — and there is almost no overlap between the two. The president needs to bring them together. But that can only happen if he stops playing not to lose and goes for broke himself. Our problems are not insoluble. We need a Grand Bargain — where each side gives something on spending, taxes and new investments — and we’re on our way out of this.
Run on that, Mr. President: At best you’ll generate enough public pressure (now totally missing) to shame sane Republicans into joining you, and we’ll get a deal, and at worst you can run in 2012 on a platform, which, if you win, will actually give you a mandate for the change the country needs.
Meanwhile, Mr. President, on a rainy day, rent the movie “Tin Cup.” There is a great scene where Dr. Molly Griswold is trying to help Roy “Tin Cup” McAvoy, the golf pro, rediscover his swing — and himself. She finally tells him: “Roy ... don’t try to be cool or smooth or whatever; just be honest and take a risk. And you know what, whatever happens, if you act from the heart, you can’t make a mistake.”
Belief that with a new way of thinking that Americans rich and poor can have a more abundant life and have a greater positive impact on this world.
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Friday, May 13, 2011
"It's Real in the Field" City Life
How different is city life from life on the Botswana Afirica grassland plains? Can you see the relationship between life for the animals and life man has made for himself and the fight for existance in the cities? Are you strong enough and lucky enough to be King of the Jungle?
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
"The American Dream" 30 min animation
The history of money, banks, and the great rip off of America by banks "to big to fail".
Monday, April 4, 2011
Mediocrity and Sub-Par work
Avoid settling for mediocore or sub-par work what you are willing to accept, that becomes your true standards means, that whatever you settle for, will always be what you get in the end. If people see that that you will settle less, thats what they will give you. No matter what they think you really deserve, if they see you except less they will surely give it to you. So sometimes try to exceed goals and standards every chance you get. Try to put your best foot forward, try your hardest and give your all. Amend your expectations, if you are used to getting less, show people that you want more. If you refuse to not settle for mediocore or sub-par work, you will always get the left overs. Sometimes when you think you are doing enough, you forget what you really can do. When you actually apply yourself you are shocked at what you really can do. Always do the best you can do and you wll always have great results.!!
By:Jamia Bateman Tift County High School class of 2012
By:Jamia Bateman Tift County High School class of 2012
Friday, April 1, 2011
Taking th3 Initiativ3
Wh3n you do som3thing without b3ing told and without 3xpectation of pay God giv3s you compoound int3r3st on top of compound int3r3st.
Wh3n you do not have any 3x3p3ctaions you r3ci3v3 a bl3ssing and good things happ3n to thos3 that do. Doing things without b3ing told does not m3an things happ3n 3asi3r and b3tt3r in your hands. B3ing told to do som3thing m3ans som3on3 f33ls l3ss about th3mselv3s and that th3y don't car3 about things or th3ms3lv3s. Wh3n you do not b3 kind to oth3rs and th3y ar3 kind to you, Th3y ar3 going to g3tthi3g bl3sing and you ar3 not.
Good Things com3 to thos3 that wait. Doing things from the kindn3ss of your h3art m3ans a b3tt3r p3rson. It shouldn't b3 about pay 3v3rytim3 you do som3thing for som3on3. Doing things from th3 h3art mak3s oth3rs f33l good bout you. P3opl3 count th3ir bl3ssings by b3ing kind and not by b3ing told to do som3thing wh3n you alr3ady know it's th3r3 to do. You should just go and do it without b3ing told at anytim3. You can count you bl3ssing, wh3n you do som3thing without b3ing told at any giv3n tim3 and without any 3xp3ctation of pay.
Written by Shannika Dawson Class of 2013 Tift County High School
Wh3n you do not have any 3x3p3ctaions you r3ci3v3 a bl3ssing and good things happ3n to thos3 that do. Doing things without b3ing told does not m3an things happ3n 3asi3r and b3tt3r in your hands. B3ing told to do som3thing m3ans som3on3 f33ls l3ss about th3mselv3s and that th3y don't car3 about things or th3ms3lv3s. Wh3n you do not b3 kind to oth3rs and th3y ar3 kind to you, Th3y ar3 going to g3tthi3g bl3sing and you ar3 not.
Good Things com3 to thos3 that wait. Doing things from the kindn3ss of your h3art m3ans a b3tt3r p3rson. It shouldn't b3 about pay 3v3rytim3 you do som3thing for som3on3. Doing things from th3 h3art mak3s oth3rs f33l good bout you. P3opl3 count th3ir bl3ssings by b3ing kind and not by b3ing told to do som3thing wh3n you alr3ady know it's th3r3 to do. You should just go and do it without b3ing told at anytim3. You can count you bl3ssing, wh3n you do som3thing without b3ing told at any giv3n tim3 and without any 3xp3ctation of pay.
Written by Shannika Dawson Class of 2013 Tift County High School
Thursday, March 10, 2011
The True Israelite "Descentdants of Ham"
Egyptians prompted Count Constantin de Volney (1727-1820) to write, "What a subject for meditation, Just think the race of black men today our slaves and the object of our scorn, is the very race to which we owe our arts, science, and even the use of our Speech."
Ham was one of Noah's three sons, also Shem and Japhet made three. Ham (Khawm) means hot, black and burnt. Ham had four sons all black. Cush father of the Ethiopians / Cushites. Mizraim father of the Egyptians / Khemets. Phut, father of the Lybian or Somalians and the Caananites the original inhabitants of Israel. Genesis 10:6-19
To begin with Jacob and his sons 13 including Joseph who was sold into slavery to the Egyptians. Joseph was promoted to second in charge the viceroy / govenor of Egypt with only Pharoh as his superior. The Egyptian were dark skinned black, burnt people. If Joseph was pale white he would have been easily recognized by his brothers when they came to Egypt from Caanan. However they thought he was and Egyptian. So he and they must have been similar looking to the Egyptians.
In Genesis 50:7-11 describes all Hebrews as looking like Egytians.
If Hebrews were pale(white) then the Caananites would have notices if was a Hebrew and Egyptian funeral not and Egyptian Funeral.
The Hebrew nation went into Egypt 66 strong. After about 400 years they were about 2 million strong. As a way of birth control Pharoh Seti commanded that all male babies be killed. Pharoh Seti, grandfather to Moses after Moses being adopted by Pharoh Seti's daughter who found Moses in the reeds of the river where she lounged. Moses was born a Hebrew Israelite from the tribe of Levi (Exodus 2:1-3). He spent 40 years living in Pharoh's House (Acts 7:23) with all the rights and priveledges of Pharowh's grandson from the time he was and infant (Exodus 2:6,10).
George Ralinson, wrote "History of Egypt" on page 252 he gives an description of Pharoh Seti. "Setis's face was thoroghly African. He had a stormy face with a depressed flat nose thick lips and heavy chin."
How could Pharoh Seti rule over his people if he knowlingly had an Hebrew male living in his house who was decreed to die? Moses lived in the palace of Pharoh because he was black skinned just a Egyptians were. Just as the Caananites could't tell Hebrews from Egyptians, Pharoh couldn't tell either or he would have been killed instantly.
After Moses fled Egypt he went to the land of Midian and met the daughters of Ruel. The girls went home and told their father that an Egyptian saved them and watered their flock. They described Moses as a descendant of Ham; black, burnt and hot...
Read Chronicles 7:14,17,18
Ham was one of Noah's three sons, also Shem and Japhet made three. Ham (Khawm) means hot, black and burnt. Ham had four sons all black. Cush father of the Ethiopians / Cushites. Mizraim father of the Egyptians / Khemets. Phut, father of the Lybian or Somalians and the Caananites the original inhabitants of Israel. Genesis 10:6-19
To begin with Jacob and his sons 13 including Joseph who was sold into slavery to the Egyptians. Joseph was promoted to second in charge the viceroy / govenor of Egypt with only Pharoh as his superior. The Egyptian were dark skinned black, burnt people. If Joseph was pale white he would have been easily recognized by his brothers when they came to Egypt from Caanan. However they thought he was and Egyptian. So he and they must have been similar looking to the Egyptians.
In Genesis 50:7-11 describes all Hebrews as looking like Egytians.
If Hebrews were pale(white) then the Caananites would have notices if was a Hebrew and Egyptian funeral not and Egyptian Funeral.
The Hebrew nation went into Egypt 66 strong. After about 400 years they were about 2 million strong. As a way of birth control Pharoh Seti commanded that all male babies be killed. Pharoh Seti, grandfather to Moses after Moses being adopted by Pharoh Seti's daughter who found Moses in the reeds of the river where she lounged. Moses was born a Hebrew Israelite from the tribe of Levi (Exodus 2:1-3). He spent 40 years living in Pharoh's House (Acts 7:23) with all the rights and priveledges of Pharowh's grandson from the time he was and infant (Exodus 2:6,10).
George Ralinson, wrote "History of Egypt" on page 252 he gives an description of Pharoh Seti. "Setis's face was thoroghly African. He had a stormy face with a depressed flat nose thick lips and heavy chin."
How could Pharoh Seti rule over his people if he knowlingly had an Hebrew male living in his house who was decreed to die? Moses lived in the palace of Pharoh because he was black skinned just a Egyptians were. Just as the Caananites could't tell Hebrews from Egyptians, Pharoh couldn't tell either or he would have been killed instantly.
After Moses fled Egypt he went to the land of Midian and met the daughters of Ruel. The girls went home and told their father that an Egyptian saved them and watered their flock. They described Moses as a descendant of Ham; black, burnt and hot...
Read Chronicles 7:14,17,18
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
8 Year old Wrestler
The ability to train with dedication can be done by anyone who has the motivation to win and the will. Let us all take the valuable lesson from this 8 year old as an example of dedication to one particular thing.
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
The Power of Music on Memory and Learning
The power of music to affect memory is quite intriguing. Mozart's music and baroque music, with a 60 beats per minute beat pattern, activate the left and right brain. The simultaneous left and right brain action maximizes learning and retention of information. The information being studied activates the left brain while the music activates the right brain. Also, activities which engage both sides of the brain at the same time, such as playing an instrument or singing, causes the brain to be more capable of processing information.
According to The Center for New Discoveries in Learning, learning potential can be increased a minimum of five times by using this 60 beats per minute music. For example, the ancient Greeks sang their dramas because they understood how music could help them remember more easily ). A renowned Bulgarian psychologist, Dr. George Lozanov, designed a way to teach foreign languages in a fraction of the normal learning time. Using his system, students could learn up to one half of the vocabulary and phrases for the whole school term (which amounts to almost 1,000 words or phrases) in one day. Along with this, the average retention rate of his students was 92%. Dr. Lozanov's system involved using certain classical music pieces from the baroque period which have around a 60 beats per minute pattern. He has proven that foreign languages can be learned with 85-100% efficiency in only thirty days by using these baroque pieces. His students had a recall accuracy rate of almost 100% even after not reviewing the material for four years.
The top three schools in America all place a great emphasis on music and the arts. Hungary, Japan, and the Netherlands, the top three academic countries in the world, all place a great emphasis on music education and participation in music. The top engineers from Silicon Valley are all musicians. Napoleon understood the enormous power of music. He summed it up by saying, "Give me control over he who shapes the music of a nation, and I care not who makes the laws" . (http://www.cerebromente.org.br/n15/mente/musica.html)
According to The Center for New Discoveries in Learning, learning potential can be increased a minimum of five times by using this 60 beats per minute music. For example, the ancient Greeks sang their dramas because they understood how music could help them remember more easily ). A renowned Bulgarian psychologist, Dr. George Lozanov, designed a way to teach foreign languages in a fraction of the normal learning time. Using his system, students could learn up to one half of the vocabulary and phrases for the whole school term (which amounts to almost 1,000 words or phrases) in one day. Along with this, the average retention rate of his students was 92%. Dr. Lozanov's system involved using certain classical music pieces from the baroque period which have around a 60 beats per minute pattern. He has proven that foreign languages can be learned with 85-100% efficiency in only thirty days by using these baroque pieces. His students had a recall accuracy rate of almost 100% even after not reviewing the material for four years.
The top three schools in America all place a great emphasis on music and the arts. Hungary, Japan, and the Netherlands, the top three academic countries in the world, all place a great emphasis on music education and participation in music. The top engineers from Silicon Valley are all musicians. Napoleon understood the enormous power of music. He summed it up by saying, "Give me control over he who shapes the music of a nation, and I care not who makes the laws" . (http://www.cerebromente.org.br/n15/mente/musica.html)
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Bring Your A Game "One in a Million" . Upgrade your Game
Young black men are falling for the okey doke. We are being bamboozled. We follow the record executives' plan to mimick the "bad guy", the criminal, the "gansgta". Alot of rappers don't get a record til the get a record deal. They have fallin for the hype they are selling as a result of direction of the record mogul who tells them this is what sells. We love "Scarface" the movie. The jails are filling. No longer are there any state run institutions. Now they are private for profit corporations using slave labor to profit, on top of the stipend they are given each month for each prisoner. It is easier to go to school and use that same entrepreneurial mind to work at a legitimate business that can help pull black folks up and make a profit at the same time. Young men look at this film and get a dose of this ism.
Watch more free documentaries
Watch more free documentaries
The New Paradigm of curriculm; "Creativity" vs the Future
The reply to Technology Teme vs Memes. If you have not seen this video talk also on TED.com by Dr. Susan Blackmore check out the video 4/2/10 on this blog, also.
Friday, February 18, 2011
Erica Huggins Lecture at Cal State SantaBarbara
Erica Huggins the leader of the Black Panther Party, while Huey and Bobby where incarcerated. Notice the scholarship and intelligience. Scholarship and intelligience is primary characteristic of the BPP Leadership.
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Thursday, February 10, 2011
"Blacks Who Should Be "Nobel Peace Prize Winners" Without a Doubt"
1. George Washington Carver (1864 – 1943)
2. Charles Drew (1904-1950)
3. Herman Branson (1914-1995)
4. Percy Lavon Julian (1899-1975)
5. David Blackwell (1919-2010)
6. Ngugi wa Thiong’o (1938- )
To learn more copy and paste the link above to your browser
1. George Washington Carver (1864 – 1943)
2. Charles Drew (1904-1950)
3. Herman Branson (1914-1995)
4. Percy Lavon Julian (1899-1975)
5. David Blackwell (1919-2010)
6. Ngugi wa Thiong’o (1938- )
To learn more copy and paste the link above to your browser
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Where Are We As Black People
I am of the same feeling as the South Carolina state Senator Robert Ford, Democrat of Charleston’s. He can remember a time before segregation when black people were a different breed than they are now. I honestly believe that today’s blacks are more mislead, softer and unable to withstand the things that our great and grandparents where able to suffer through, overcome and conquer. We are a weaker people. We are afraid of work even when it comes to looking for work or building a legal business. Our faith has diminished as whole. Those who do go to the house of prayer are bamboozled, hoodwinked and run amuck by small church pastors and mega church pastors. These churches are fundraiser (Malachi 3:10) organization that do not serve the community. Oh and by the way that scripture was from God to the pastors. Start reading at Malachi chapter 2, "Study and show thyself approved". And don't forget what Paul said "I would not have you ignorant". We are told Malachi 3:10 so much we know that by heart, then the pastor misquotes it. Why don’t these mega churches start some factories and put some black folk to work. Let us create a Jew heaven for ourselves "a factory". Manufacture anything Shoes, drawers, jeans anything doggone thing. The number of black businesses is down. The ability to work together is down. The family paradigm is down. Yes, we have more educated blacks now, but with less sense. How many black republicans are there? Where are our leaders at? Those educated persons of the institutions of higher learning that felt a need to represent the masses or at least point us in the right direction?
Martin, Louis, Huey, Malcolm, where are today’s generation of leaders? Don't drink the Kool aid these bishops are not our leaders. We are a lazier people we won't even work to help ourselves or our people. President Obama is not the leader of our race. He is the leader of the Free World. So don't blame him. "Don't hate him, congratulate and support him.
Martin, Louis, Huey, Malcolm, where are today’s generation of leaders? Don't drink the Kool aid these bishops are not our leaders. We are a lazier people we won't even work to help ourselves or our people. President Obama is not the leader of our race. He is the leader of the Free World. So don't blame him. "Don't hate him, congratulate and support him.
Friday, February 4, 2011
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Monday, January 31, 2011
We can't even get education for those who want a quality education, which should be a right of a citizen. As a the constitutions says "Life, liberty and pursuit of happiness".Are all men creted equal in these United States? Naw you got to see the "DEad PrEz" vidoe. Is this what you want. Watch the video
What is a black man in the ghetto to do. No job, no respect for education and just plain don't want to work. Be smart don't get caught. Like they say "Plan and execute". Cause we ain't no farmers working from 430am till sundown and I will not let the government take care of me, no welfare or incarceration.
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Monday, January 24, 2011
The Sacred Heart Diet
This 7-day eating plan can be used as often as you like. If correctly followed, it will clean out your system of impurities and give you a feeling of well-being. After only 7 days of this process, you will begin to feel lighter by at least 10 pounds and possibly 17 pounds, and experience an abundance of energy.
1 or 2 cans of stewed tomatoes
3 plus large green onions
1 large can of beef broth (no fat)
1 pkg. Lipton Soup mix (chicken noodle)
1 bunch of celery
2 cans green beans
2 lbs. Carrots
2 Green Peppers
Season with salt, pepper curry, parsley, if desired, or bouillon, hot or Worcestershire sauce. Cut veggies in small to medium pieces. Cover with water. Boil fast for 10 minutes. Reduce to simmer and continue to cook until veggies are tender.
This soup can be eaten anytime you are hungry during the week. Eat as much as you want, whenever you want. This soup will not add calories. The more you eat, the more you will lose. You may want to fill a thermos in the morning if you will be away during the day.
Unsweetened juices
Tea (also herbal)
Cranberry juice
Skim milk
Water, water, water
Any fruit (except bananas). Cantaloupes and watermelon are lower in calories than most other fruits. Eat only soup and fruit today.
All vegetables. Eat until you are stuffed with fresh raw, cooked or canned veggies. Try to eat green leafy veggies and stay away from dry beans, peas or corn. Eat veggies along with the soup. At dinnertime tonight reward yourself with a big baked potato and butter. Don't eat any fruits through today.
Eat all the soup, fruit and veggies you want. Do not have a baked potato. If you have eaten as above for three days and not cheated, you should find that you have lost 5-7 pounds.
Bananas and skim milk: Eat at least 3 bananas and drink as much milk as you can today, along with the soup. Bananas are high in calories and carbohydrates, as is the milk but on this particular day, your body will need the potassium and carbs. Proteins and calcium to lessen the cravings for sweets.
Beef and tomatoes: you may have 10 to 20 ounces of beef and a can of tomatoes, or as many as 6 tomatoes on this day. Eat the soup at least once today.
Beef and veggies, eat to your heart's content of the beef and veggies today. You can even have 2-3 steaks if you like with green leafy veggies but no baked potato. Be sure to eat the soup at least once today.
Brown rice, unsweetened fruit juice and veggies, again, be sure to stuff yourself and eat the soup. You can add cooked veggies to your rice if you wish.
By the end of the 7th day, if you have not cheated on this diet, you should have lost 10 to 17 pounds. If you have lost more than 17 pounds, stay off the diet for two days before resuming the diet again.
This diet is fast. The secret lies within the principle that you will burn more calories than you take in. It will flush your system of impurities and give you a feeling of well-being. This diet does not lend itself to drinking any alcoholic beverages at any time. Because of the fat build-up in your system. Go off the diet at least 14 hours before any intake of alcohol.
Due to the variety of digestive systems in individuals, this diet will affect everyone differently. After day three, you will have more energy than when you began, if you do not cheat. After being on the diet for several days, you will find that your bowel movements have changed. Eat a cup of bran or fiber. Although you can have black coffee with this diet, you may find that you don't need caffeine after the third day.
The basic fat burning soup can be eaten anytime you feel hungry during the seven days. Eat as much as you wish. Remember the more you eat, the more you will lose. You can eat broiled, boiled or baked chicken instead of the beef. Absolutely no skin on the chicken. If you prefer, you can substitute broiled fish for the beef on only one of the beef days. You need the high protein in the beef for the other days.
Continue on the diet as long as you wish and feel the difference both mentally and physically.
No bread, alcohol, carbonated drinks (including diet drinks). Remember, absolutely no fried foods.
DO - DO - DO - DO
Drink plenty - at least 6 to 8 glasses - of water a day, as well as any combination of the following beverages: black coffee, unsweetened fruit drinks, cranberry juice and skim milk.
This diet comes from the Sacred Heart Memorial Hospital that is used for overweight heart patients in order to lose weight rapidly, usually prior to surgery.
1 or 2 cans of stewed tomatoes
3 plus large green onions
1 large can of beef broth (no fat)
1 pkg. Lipton Soup mix (chicken noodle)
1 bunch of celery
2 cans green beans
2 lbs. Carrots
2 Green Peppers
Season with salt, pepper curry, parsley, if desired, or bouillon, hot or Worcestershire sauce. Cut veggies in small to medium pieces. Cover with water. Boil fast for 10 minutes. Reduce to simmer and continue to cook until veggies are tender.
This soup can be eaten anytime you are hungry during the week. Eat as much as you want, whenever you want. This soup will not add calories. The more you eat, the more you will lose. You may want to fill a thermos in the morning if you will be away during the day.
Unsweetened juices
Tea (also herbal)
Cranberry juice
Skim milk
Water, water, water
Any fruit (except bananas). Cantaloupes and watermelon are lower in calories than most other fruits. Eat only soup and fruit today.
All vegetables. Eat until you are stuffed with fresh raw, cooked or canned veggies. Try to eat green leafy veggies and stay away from dry beans, peas or corn. Eat veggies along with the soup. At dinnertime tonight reward yourself with a big baked potato and butter. Don't eat any fruits through today.
Eat all the soup, fruit and veggies you want. Do not have a baked potato. If you have eaten as above for three days and not cheated, you should find that you have lost 5-7 pounds.
Bananas and skim milk: Eat at least 3 bananas and drink as much milk as you can today, along with the soup. Bananas are high in calories and carbohydrates, as is the milk but on this particular day, your body will need the potassium and carbs. Proteins and calcium to lessen the cravings for sweets.
Beef and tomatoes: you may have 10 to 20 ounces of beef and a can of tomatoes, or as many as 6 tomatoes on this day. Eat the soup at least once today.
Beef and veggies, eat to your heart's content of the beef and veggies today. You can even have 2-3 steaks if you like with green leafy veggies but no baked potato. Be sure to eat the soup at least once today.
Brown rice, unsweetened fruit juice and veggies, again, be sure to stuff yourself and eat the soup. You can add cooked veggies to your rice if you wish.
By the end of the 7th day, if you have not cheated on this diet, you should have lost 10 to 17 pounds. If you have lost more than 17 pounds, stay off the diet for two days before resuming the diet again.
This diet is fast. The secret lies within the principle that you will burn more calories than you take in. It will flush your system of impurities and give you a feeling of well-being. This diet does not lend itself to drinking any alcoholic beverages at any time. Because of the fat build-up in your system. Go off the diet at least 14 hours before any intake of alcohol.
Due to the variety of digestive systems in individuals, this diet will affect everyone differently. After day three, you will have more energy than when you began, if you do not cheat. After being on the diet for several days, you will find that your bowel movements have changed. Eat a cup of bran or fiber. Although you can have black coffee with this diet, you may find that you don't need caffeine after the third day.
The basic fat burning soup can be eaten anytime you feel hungry during the seven days. Eat as much as you wish. Remember the more you eat, the more you will lose. You can eat broiled, boiled or baked chicken instead of the beef. Absolutely no skin on the chicken. If you prefer, you can substitute broiled fish for the beef on only one of the beef days. You need the high protein in the beef for the other days.
Continue on the diet as long as you wish and feel the difference both mentally and physically.
No bread, alcohol, carbonated drinks (including diet drinks). Remember, absolutely no fried foods.
DO - DO - DO - DO
Drink plenty - at least 6 to 8 glasses - of water a day, as well as any combination of the following beverages: black coffee, unsweetened fruit drinks, cranberry juice and skim milk.
This diet comes from the Sacred Heart Memorial Hospital that is used for overweight heart patients in order to lose weight rapidly, usually prior to surgery.
Sacred Heart Medical Diet
This 7-day eating plan can be used as often as you like. If correctly followed, it will clean out your system of impurities and give you a feeling of well-being. After only 7 days of this process, you will begin to feel lighter by at least 10 pounds and possibly 17 pounds, and experience an abundance of energy.
1 or 2 cans of stewed tomatoes
3 plus large green onions
1 large can of beef broth (no fat)
1 pkg. Lipton Soup mix (chicken noodle)
1 bunch of celery
2 cans green beans
2 lbs. Carrots
2 Green Peppers
Season with salt, pepper curry, parsley, if desired, or bouillon, hot or Worcestershire sauce. Cut veggies in small to medium pieces. Cover with water. Boil fast for 10 minutes. Reduce to simmer and continue to cook until veggies are tender.
This soup can be eaten anytime you are hungry during the week. Eat as much as you want, whenever you want. This soup will not add calories. The more you eat, the more you will lose. You may want to fill a thermos in the morning if you will be away during the day.
Unsweetened juices
Tea (also herbal)
Cranberry juice
Skim milk
Water, water, water
Any fruit (except bananas). Cantaloupes and watermelon are lower in calories than most other fruits. Eat only soup and fruit today.
All vegetables. Eat until you are stuffed with fresh raw, cooked or canned veggies. Try to eat green leafy veggies and stay away from dry beans, peas or corn. Eat veggies along with the soup. At dinnertime tonight reward yourself with a big baked potato and butter. Don't eat any fruits through today.
Eat all the soup, fruit and veggies you want. Do not have a baked potato. If you have eaten as above for three days and not cheated, you should find that you have lost 5-7 pounds.
Bananas and skim milk: Eat at least 3 bananas and drink as much milk as you can today, along with the soup. Bananas are high in calories and carbohydrates, as is the milk but on this particular day, your body will need the potassium and carbs. Proteins and calcium to lessen the cravings for sweets.
Beef and tomatoes: you may have 10 to 20 ounces of beef and a can of tomatoes, or as many as 6 tomatoes on this day. Eat the soup at least once today.
Beef and veggies, eat to your heart's content of the beef and veggies today. You can even have 2-3 steaks if you like with green leafy veggies but no baked potato. Be sure to eat the soup at least once today.
Brown rice, unsweetened fruit juice and veggies, again, be sure to stuff yourself and eat the soup. You can add cooked veggies to your rice if you wish.
By the end of the 7th day, if you have not cheated on this diet, you should have lost 10 to 17 pounds. If you have lost more than 17 pounds, stay off the diet for two days before resuming the diet again.
This diet is fast. The secret lies within the principle that you will burn more calories than you take in. It will flush your system of impurities and give you a feeling of well-being. This diet does not lend itself to drinking any alcoholic beverages at any time. Because of the fat build-up in your system. Go off the diet at least 14 hours before any intake of alcohol.
Due to the variety of digestive systems in individuals, this diet will affect everyone differently. After day three, you will have more energy than when you began, if you do not cheat. After being on the diet for several days, you will find that your bowel movements have changed. Eat a cup of bran or fiber. Although you can have black coffee with this diet, you may find that you don't need caffeine after the third day.
The basic fat burning soup can be eaten anytime you feel hungry during the seven days. Eat as much as you wish. Remember the more you eat, the more you will lose. You can eat broiled, boiled or baked chicken instead of the beef. Absolutely no skin on the chicken. If you prefer, you can substitute broiled fish for the beef on only one of the beef days. You need the high protein in the beef for the other days.
Continue on the diet as long as you wish and feel the difference both mentally and physically.
No bread, alcohol, carbonated drinks (including diet drinks). Remember, absolutely no fried foods.
DO - DO - DO - DO
Drink plenty - at least 6 to 8 glasses - of water a day, as well as any combination of the following beverages: black coffee, unsweetened fruit drinks, cranberry juice and skim milk.
This diet comes from the Sacred Heart Memorial Hospital that is used for overweight heart patients in order to lose weight rapidly, usually prior to surgery.
This 7-day eating plan can be used as often as you like. If correctly followed, it will clean out your system of impurities and give you a feeling of well-being. After only 7 days of this process, you will begin to feel lighter by at least 10 pounds and possibly 17 pounds, and experience an abundance of energy.
1 or 2 cans of stewed tomatoes
3 plus large green onions
1 large can of beef broth (no fat)
1 pkg. Lipton Soup mix (chicken noodle)
1 bunch of celery
2 cans green beans
2 lbs. Carrots
2 Green Peppers
Season with salt, pepper curry, parsley, if desired, or bouillon, hot or Worcestershire sauce. Cut veggies in small to medium pieces. Cover with water. Boil fast for 10 minutes. Reduce to simmer and continue to cook until veggies are tender.
This soup can be eaten anytime you are hungry during the week. Eat as much as you want, whenever you want. This soup will not add calories. The more you eat, the more you will lose. You may want to fill a thermos in the morning if you will be away during the day.
Unsweetened juices
Tea (also herbal)
Cranberry juice
Skim milk
Water, water, water
Any fruit (except bananas). Cantaloupes and watermelon are lower in calories than most other fruits. Eat only soup and fruit today.
All vegetables. Eat until you are stuffed with fresh raw, cooked or canned veggies. Try to eat green leafy veggies and stay away from dry beans, peas or corn. Eat veggies along with the soup. At dinnertime tonight reward yourself with a big baked potato and butter. Don't eat any fruits through today.
Eat all the soup, fruit and veggies you want. Do not have a baked potato. If you have eaten as above for three days and not cheated, you should find that you have lost 5-7 pounds.
Bananas and skim milk: Eat at least 3 bananas and drink as much milk as you can today, along with the soup. Bananas are high in calories and carbohydrates, as is the milk but on this particular day, your body will need the potassium and carbs. Proteins and calcium to lessen the cravings for sweets.
Beef and tomatoes: you may have 10 to 20 ounces of beef and a can of tomatoes, or as many as 6 tomatoes on this day. Eat the soup at least once today.
Beef and veggies, eat to your heart's content of the beef and veggies today. You can even have 2-3 steaks if you like with green leafy veggies but no baked potato. Be sure to eat the soup at least once today.
Brown rice, unsweetened fruit juice and veggies, again, be sure to stuff yourself and eat the soup. You can add cooked veggies to your rice if you wish.
By the end of the 7th day, if you have not cheated on this diet, you should have lost 10 to 17 pounds. If you have lost more than 17 pounds, stay off the diet for two days before resuming the diet again.
This diet is fast. The secret lies within the principle that you will burn more calories than you take in. It will flush your system of impurities and give you a feeling of well-being. This diet does not lend itself to drinking any alcoholic beverages at any time. Because of the fat build-up in your system. Go off the diet at least 14 hours before any intake of alcohol.
Due to the variety of digestive systems in individuals, this diet will affect everyone differently. After day three, you will have more energy than when you began, if you do not cheat. After being on the diet for several days, you will find that your bowel movements have changed. Eat a cup of bran or fiber. Although you can have black coffee with this diet, you may find that you don't need caffeine after the third day.
The basic fat burning soup can be eaten anytime you feel hungry during the seven days. Eat as much as you wish. Remember the more you eat, the more you will lose. You can eat broiled, boiled or baked chicken instead of the beef. Absolutely no skin on the chicken. If you prefer, you can substitute broiled fish for the beef on only one of the beef days. You need the high protein in the beef for the other days.
Continue on the diet as long as you wish and feel the difference both mentally and physically.
No bread, alcohol, carbonated drinks (including diet drinks). Remember, absolutely no fried foods.
DO - DO - DO - DO
Drink plenty - at least 6 to 8 glasses - of water a day, as well as any combination of the following beverages: black coffee, unsweetened fruit drinks, cranberry juice and skim milk.
This diet comes from the Sacred Heart Memorial Hospital that is used for overweight heart patients in order to lose weight rapidly, usually prior to surgery.
Friday, January 7, 2011
America and Common Sense
Common Sense" a book written by Adam Smith, about a economic crisis in American the petro dollar. The Petro dollar the new currency of America back by OPEC oil due to loans to America which America can’t pay even the interest. Can you imagine the bust of Sheik s on our currency? I am not going to talk about OPEC but about oil, but think about it sometimes at your leisure. The ripping off American citizens. Do a little research. Venezuela, represents the nationalization of utility companies. America should think about that. China and their smart business moves throughout the world has positioned them for world economic and technological dominance. America is becoming very fool hard like a “John Hardy Stud Party” where a bunch of inebriated young men do foolish things. The men of the GOP is acting as the boys in the John Hardy Stud Party and the Democratic political party is like a bunch of “Tommy Lunchmeat" sandwich eaters just give them a sandwich tells them what to do and they will follow orders. We live in the finest capitalist society on the planet. The United States grew to become the most wealthy country on the planet. We have been ruined by these incompetent parties. We as a government and a people do not use common sense and before the book "Common Sense" becomes a reality ,accept we will be using the Chinese money (the Chinese yuan) as our currency and living like America 1954 every family will bake their own bread and plant their own garden and hang their clothes own the clothes line to dry.
Here is a list of foolish ideas:
1. How did we elect a president who bankrupted the state of Texas s governor. Would not his past action be a hint of his future actions? (They do reference checks even at McDonalds.)
2. How can people making less than fifty thousand dollars a year think the republican party really has their best interest in mind?(Go back to the recovery of the Depression)
3.Do we really need to go against nature and prolong life, thereby creating a situation that is overwhelming to our planet? (Hint; Look up the word "aggregation" in a high school biology book.)
4.How did the hippies of the 1960’s free love generation turn to wall Street ivory towers for employment. It is true they did go to wall street after coming down from a false euphoria
It's all common sense. Make love not war. The Chinese are currently conquering the world by making love to the business communities of the world. We went over to Iraq to displace a dictator trained by America and we destroy the country he built because we could not see any use for him and we had not the wisdom or genius to offer help from a business aspect. Therefore we went to war and spent 30 billion a month to fight and China spent nothing and came out with the contract to help the Iraquis build a new oil refinery, from which they create profit in money and oil for their countrymen. America is making war all over the world and China is conquering the world one country at a time with business strategies and commerce.
Southern American citizens and some northerners earning less than $100,000 per year are pro republicans. All morals and religion aside once you come back down to earth after go to church meeting you have to buy groceries, pay rent or a mortgage, pay a car note , insurance and school clothes for your children and try to find work. How? They vote these people in party, while this party is doing everything they can to eliminate all forms of economic aid, and a profitability strategy for the small business owner. Why have none of the banks given small business loans when it is a fact that they have over a trillion dollars in their coffers . But they have made it their business to find every way to take your home from you and make you and your children homeless when you are have no way of sustain shelter for your family. When all they are going to do is sit on the house and let the grass and weeds grow. Corporate welfare is what republicans are all about. Who decided to bail out they banks after they stole 1 trillion dollars from the American people. They will blame it on the home bubble but we can see the truth if we follow the money which any good detective worth the gum on his shoe will tell to do, to find the crook. Which in this case leads from AIG to Goldman Sacs, and to a question, why is Henry Merritt "Hank" Paulson, Jr. (born March 28, 1946) who is now serving as the 74th United States Treasury Secretary. What is his affiliation now with Goldman Sacs? He previously served as the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Goldman Sachs. Tim Geithner believes along with Henry Paulson, that the United States Department of the Treasury needs new authority to experiment with responses to the financial crisis of 2007–2010.(Sounds like a code for do what you want.) You know what makes me question the common sense of our politicians? Is that if they wanted to fix the economy why didn't they give the stimulus directly to the people in the form of a check with a value of few hundred thousand dollars per household. That would have gotten the economy going. People would have been spending money, manufactures would have had to increase their output, volume of banking transactions would have increased, small business loans would have increased sharply, and debt would have disappeared. Some smart people would have saved some for a rainy day and others would have spent out. And the economy would have been sound and on a level field. These houses that are now being foreclosed, could have been paid for.
Why don't we the people nationalize the utilities and provide these things which are needed by masses to them. Because the big money men use the stock market to gamble on these utilities, driving up the cost and making people homeless. Why is gas now at 3 dollars a gallon and the prediction is that by 2013 it will be 5 dollars per gallon at which time only folks earning upper middle class salaries will drive for recreation. (Why does gas refined in America burn so fast? Why does Hugo Chavez so called enemy of America, President of Venuzuela, friend of Castro , CEO of Citgo oil and gas, the Venuzuelan National G and Oil company supplementing the heating oil cost of our senior citizens and poor of New York state with 50 percent off of the cost of heating during the winter. What is this, giving free gas to the American poor? Does giving them one less of a choice between staying warm, paying rent, getting their medication or eating dog food to make meat loaf qualify them as enemy of the States? While the top 3% of income earners (those person who earns $250,000 plus a year ) are shielded from car pooling ,walking and riding a bicycle out of necessity to and from work cause here we go again, making a choice between food clothing shelter, medicine and dog meat for meatloaf. Homelessness will be increased sharply because you will not be able to pay for rent, gas, utilities, and groceries. What there will be two families per household? The paradigm will shift again from traditional families to women led households, (you know mother, grandmother, children and girlfriend) to multiple women led families, and traditional families living with the siblings family, to create gypsy styled households. There was a doctor who addresses the graduating class at Stanford in 1961 who said that because of the inebriated state of the American public due to pharmaceutical drugs, the politician would be able to present and sign anything into law without a peep from the people. Let me ask “What are the most common drugs on the market to day?” Tranquilizers and pain relievers which have the same affect on the mind. A few of the most common prescription drugs that are most prescribed, and over used Xanax, Oxycontin, Hydrocodone, Percoset, Loritab. What commercials do you see most on TV? Pharmaceuticals.
Health care is the number two cause of financial disaster we are heading into because of the rise in premiums and the cost of unnecessary treatment. People at some point in their lives are supposed to die. Let them die. Three quarters of hospital bill of a terminally ill patient is born from the resuscitation efforts and unnatural life (a ventilator). Nature has a way of helping the species to survive. The individual must make room for the newborn. Don't be selfish let that person go they want to go anyway and your are holding them from a more peace situation. (If the shoe fits wear it.)
Let’s look at the upside of this. There will be a decrease need for food in the States, therefore an increase in food supplies. The pollution will decrease. People will become healthier and the planet will become healthier. The amount of water used will be decreased. There will be me more water for the future. Less cattle will be needed and less structures will be needed. Lumber will be not needed as much (our oxygen source living trees).
Lets go back to old time schooling and teaching methods. These methods were what we were using when America was number 1,2, and 3 in reading, writing and arithmetic in the 1960 and early 1970's in the world. When students learned to read by phonetics, you know sounding out the words. You might remember "Run Spot run." In math teachers taught how to read a ruler in the third grade. This was the beginnings of engineering thought by the students.
Because of the want and love of money we have sold out all that is good and precious to America. Education administrators to keep their job, they come up with different (non working) ideas on how to change the education system with new methods of teaching. If it was not broke why did they try to fix it. If you fix something that is not broken, you have broken it. It is not that the method was bad in the first place, but to keep their job and validate the usefulness to the administrations the administrators felt they had to create something new and different to validate their exuberant salaries of 100 plus thousand dollars per year. While the teachers who are in the trenches are making 26 to 45 thousand a year after 20 years and taking a beating for it, being abused by parents, students and administrators. Our children who will inherit this country are given an ill service. We leave them without a legacy or resources. What will they do for food, water, education or any engineering know how? Will they be able to afford heat or build heating elements? Very few of our schools teach skills, like sewing, carpentry, commercial or residential electricity or auto mechanics. What was wrong with the way the great grand parents brought up today’s grandparents. Nothing! It worked and again we fixed something that was not broken and broke it. Conventional wisdom says go back to the way it was. Paul to Timothy let us not forget the old landmarks
If the soldier is not taken care of and the suits and brass is worried only about themselves what kind of army will you have. At most undergraduate colleges as a requirement do they study great generals like Genghis Khan, Sun Tzu, Napoleon, Julius Caesar, Alexander, Hannibal and Patton ? Generals who where in the field with the soldiers, who slept and ate what the soldiers ate. Notice the sentiment these generals had for their army. We treat our veteran soldiers like garbage and disdain in some cases. Were their mental illness is direct result of battle.
Let us buy back out country. Lobbyist buy the country and the votes needed by senate and Congress to pass a particular bill in their favor. If each family with a income of less than 25 thousand dollars per year gave 5 dollars to the "Buy Back America Campaign" We could buy America from the interest groups the same way the insurance and oil industries do with high paid lobbyist representing their interest. Remember money talks an bull poop walks. Send five dollars and tell your friends to send five dollars. There are about 600 million people in America with about 1.5 million families. I am sure we could make a change for the betterment of our country the good old American way, "Buy It"....
Here is a list of foolish ideas:
1. How did we elect a president who bankrupted the state of Texas s governor. Would not his past action be a hint of his future actions? (They do reference checks even at McDonalds.)
2. How can people making less than fifty thousand dollars a year think the republican party really has their best interest in mind?(Go back to the recovery of the Depression)
3.Do we really need to go against nature and prolong life, thereby creating a situation that is overwhelming to our planet? (Hint; Look up the word "aggregation" in a high school biology book.)
4.How did the hippies of the 1960’s free love generation turn to wall Street ivory towers for employment. It is true they did go to wall street after coming down from a false euphoria
It's all common sense. Make love not war. The Chinese are currently conquering the world by making love to the business communities of the world. We went over to Iraq to displace a dictator trained by America and we destroy the country he built because we could not see any use for him and we had not the wisdom or genius to offer help from a business aspect. Therefore we went to war and spent 30 billion a month to fight and China spent nothing and came out with the contract to help the Iraquis build a new oil refinery, from which they create profit in money and oil for their countrymen. America is making war all over the world and China is conquering the world one country at a time with business strategies and commerce.
Southern American citizens and some northerners earning less than $100,000 per year are pro republicans. All morals and religion aside once you come back down to earth after go to church meeting you have to buy groceries, pay rent or a mortgage, pay a car note , insurance and school clothes for your children and try to find work. How? They vote these people in party, while this party is doing everything they can to eliminate all forms of economic aid, and a profitability strategy for the small business owner. Why have none of the banks given small business loans when it is a fact that they have over a trillion dollars in their coffers . But they have made it their business to find every way to take your home from you and make you and your children homeless when you are have no way of sustain shelter for your family. When all they are going to do is sit on the house and let the grass and weeds grow. Corporate welfare is what republicans are all about. Who decided to bail out they banks after they stole 1 trillion dollars from the American people. They will blame it on the home bubble but we can see the truth if we follow the money which any good detective worth the gum on his shoe will tell to do, to find the crook. Which in this case leads from AIG to Goldman Sacs, and to a question, why is Henry Merritt "Hank" Paulson, Jr. (born March 28, 1946) who is now serving as the 74th United States Treasury Secretary. What is his affiliation now with Goldman Sacs? He previously served as the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Goldman Sachs. Tim Geithner believes along with Henry Paulson, that the United States Department of the Treasury needs new authority to experiment with responses to the financial crisis of 2007–2010.(Sounds like a code for do what you want.) You know what makes me question the common sense of our politicians? Is that if they wanted to fix the economy why didn't they give the stimulus directly to the people in the form of a check with a value of few hundred thousand dollars per household. That would have gotten the economy going. People would have been spending money, manufactures would have had to increase their output, volume of banking transactions would have increased, small business loans would have increased sharply, and debt would have disappeared. Some smart people would have saved some for a rainy day and others would have spent out. And the economy would have been sound and on a level field. These houses that are now being foreclosed, could have been paid for.
Why don't we the people nationalize the utilities and provide these things which are needed by masses to them. Because the big money men use the stock market to gamble on these utilities, driving up the cost and making people homeless. Why is gas now at 3 dollars a gallon and the prediction is that by 2013 it will be 5 dollars per gallon at which time only folks earning upper middle class salaries will drive for recreation. (Why does gas refined in America burn so fast? Why does Hugo Chavez so called enemy of America, President of Venuzuela, friend of Castro , CEO of Citgo oil and gas, the Venuzuelan National G and Oil company supplementing the heating oil cost of our senior citizens and poor of New York state with 50 percent off of the cost of heating during the winter. What is this, giving free gas to the American poor? Does giving them one less of a choice between staying warm, paying rent, getting their medication or eating dog food to make meat loaf qualify them as enemy of the States? While the top 3% of income earners (those person who earns $250,000 plus a year ) are shielded from car pooling ,walking and riding a bicycle out of necessity to and from work cause here we go again, making a choice between food clothing shelter, medicine and dog meat for meatloaf. Homelessness will be increased sharply because you will not be able to pay for rent, gas, utilities, and groceries. What there will be two families per household? The paradigm will shift again from traditional families to women led households, (you know mother, grandmother, children and girlfriend) to multiple women led families, and traditional families living with the siblings family, to create gypsy styled households. There was a doctor who addresses the graduating class at Stanford in 1961 who said that because of the inebriated state of the American public due to pharmaceutical drugs, the politician would be able to present and sign anything into law without a peep from the people. Let me ask “What are the most common drugs on the market to day?” Tranquilizers and pain relievers which have the same affect on the mind. A few of the most common prescription drugs that are most prescribed, and over used Xanax, Oxycontin, Hydrocodone, Percoset, Loritab. What commercials do you see most on TV? Pharmaceuticals.
Health care is the number two cause of financial disaster we are heading into because of the rise in premiums and the cost of unnecessary treatment. People at some point in their lives are supposed to die. Let them die. Three quarters of hospital bill of a terminally ill patient is born from the resuscitation efforts and unnatural life (a ventilator). Nature has a way of helping the species to survive. The individual must make room for the newborn. Don't be selfish let that person go they want to go anyway and your are holding them from a more peace situation. (If the shoe fits wear it.)
Let’s look at the upside of this. There will be a decrease need for food in the States, therefore an increase in food supplies. The pollution will decrease. People will become healthier and the planet will become healthier. The amount of water used will be decreased. There will be me more water for the future. Less cattle will be needed and less structures will be needed. Lumber will be not needed as much (our oxygen source living trees).
Lets go back to old time schooling and teaching methods. These methods were what we were using when America was number 1,2, and 3 in reading, writing and arithmetic in the 1960 and early 1970's in the world. When students learned to read by phonetics, you know sounding out the words. You might remember "Run Spot run." In math teachers taught how to read a ruler in the third grade. This was the beginnings of engineering thought by the students.
Because of the want and love of money we have sold out all that is good and precious to America. Education administrators to keep their job, they come up with different (non working) ideas on how to change the education system with new methods of teaching. If it was not broke why did they try to fix it. If you fix something that is not broken, you have broken it. It is not that the method was bad in the first place, but to keep their job and validate the usefulness to the administrations the administrators felt they had to create something new and different to validate their exuberant salaries of 100 plus thousand dollars per year. While the teachers who are in the trenches are making 26 to 45 thousand a year after 20 years and taking a beating for it, being abused by parents, students and administrators. Our children who will inherit this country are given an ill service. We leave them without a legacy or resources. What will they do for food, water, education or any engineering know how? Will they be able to afford heat or build heating elements? Very few of our schools teach skills, like sewing, carpentry, commercial or residential electricity or auto mechanics. What was wrong with the way the great grand parents brought up today’s grandparents. Nothing! It worked and again we fixed something that was not broken and broke it. Conventional wisdom says go back to the way it was. Paul to Timothy let us not forget the old landmarks
If the soldier is not taken care of and the suits and brass is worried only about themselves what kind of army will you have. At most undergraduate colleges as a requirement do they study great generals like Genghis Khan, Sun Tzu, Napoleon, Julius Caesar, Alexander, Hannibal and Patton ? Generals who where in the field with the soldiers, who slept and ate what the soldiers ate. Notice the sentiment these generals had for their army. We treat our veteran soldiers like garbage and disdain in some cases. Were their mental illness is direct result of battle.
Let us buy back out country. Lobbyist buy the country and the votes needed by senate and Congress to pass a particular bill in their favor. If each family with a income of less than 25 thousand dollars per year gave 5 dollars to the "Buy Back America Campaign" We could buy America from the interest groups the same way the insurance and oil industries do with high paid lobbyist representing their interest. Remember money talks an bull poop walks. Send five dollars and tell your friends to send five dollars. There are about 600 million people in America with about 1.5 million families. I am sure we could make a change for the betterment of our country the good old American way, "Buy It"....
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